Thursday, May 23, 2013

March and April

My next challenge was riveting in too small a space.  My first try left some sticking out, which I had to drill out.  I didn't want to repeat this, so I got on the EAA and watched videos of people solving this problem.  I decided to make a tool for the occasion.  I filed down a rivet puller on one side only.  The mechanism still worked and I got the rivets in.

bad rivet

new tool, from old tool

it works!

almost done

finifhing up

rudder complete!


With the rudder horn fitted, I began drilling, only to miss drill one segment. After conferring with several builders, I decided to use a doubler give the piece integrity.  My biggest problem was holding the piece in place long enough to rivet it.
rudder with doubler in place and ready to rivet


I clecoed it,

The rudder was not riveted, yet, so I  taped it in place and had a friend hold it open while I secured the clecoes.  

End of January

 I used a board to hold the horn for up drilling