I didn't get much done in Michigan this summer. I got very busy with other things. A friend of mine had 2 strokes during the winter and asked if I would fly him around in his Luscombe. I usually fly my Citabria while my husband drives the SUV. He is not a pilot and does not relish 2400 miles in a small aircraft. This year I left the Citabria in California, drove with my husband, and flew the Luscombe in Michigan. I got much better at propping and my friend got to fly. I also discovered that a Luscombe is slightly aerobatic. It was interesting to try a little acro in a Luscombe, without my friend, of course.
I did get the counterweight ribs and brackets cut, drilled and fitted |
meanwhile, updrilling the lead was a slow process. |
by the time I returned, they were drilled and fitted |